jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

About: Cantaloupe illnesses and deaths expected to rise

People are saying:

1) Did anybody see the documentary "Food, Inc."? If you did, you wouldn't even be mildly surprised as to why these outbreaks keep happening. Keep the big corporations away from the decision-making processes and give the farms back to the farmers. I would rather have someone who takes pride in what they do grow my food than someone who is just out to make money.

2) With the way things are going, if you are able to grow a garden you are better off for you know what is in them. Before too long no one will be eating or drinking anything due to the fact it may kill you.

3) I stopped eating American grown cantaloupes unless homegrown or from a farmer's market because it just did not taste right. ole tradition is to put one in a brown paper bag and have it sit a couple days . This will allow it to ripen more to sweetness. IT REALLY WORK FOLKS. GM cantaloupe will not...it will ROT and turn black. This country has gone to the dogs....it can't even grow a decent fruit anymore. The USA used to be king in quality BUT NOT WITH GREED AND MADMEN IN EVERY POSITION IT IS THE PITS' . USA food is the worse in the world now and other countries refuse to by most of this country's food....EVEN TURN IT DOWN IF FREE. With all the poisons, genetic altered foods in this country ,it's know wonder we are getting sicker. FOLKS, I HATE TO SPOIL YOUR DINNER BUT WE IN AMERICA DO NOT EAT THE HEALTHIEST FOODS ANYMORE. Most Middle East, Asian, South American and African fruits and vegges are organic ground. America has become an ARTIFICIAL SOCIETY...the programmed people.....the foods.....the way of life...the thinking....the make believe freedom...the lies and myths in books...the news....papers ....the politics.....AND NOT THEIR #$%$ WATER, WHY....BECAUSE THEY SAY GATORADE IS BETTER !!!!!!

4) your Government at work. Can someone tell me why all this tainted stuff never hits Washington D.C. ?

5) The GOP/Tea Party is hellbent on telling the world how THE FREE AND UNREGULATED MARKET solves all ills... in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The EPA requires resources to sample the irrigation sources for these farms so that these bacteria are not prevalent. The GOP/Tea Party is demanding the end/restriction/defunding of the EPA.

6) I am fearful of growing my own food because I am a klutz and afraid I would do something wrong and poison myself in some way. But from the looks of it, the national food distribution system of Big Agracorp is far more dangerous than any home garden could ever be.

7) Does it bother anyone else that it has been more than 2 weeks and no one can provide a list of retailers that sell the melons that might have been tainted? I have worked for several retailers, and all of them, big and small, had tracking systems that would make it simple to produce this information in minutes. It makes me wonder whether grocers, producers, wholesalers, and government officials are limiting access to this information to reduce the potential for panic, in the governments case, and lost sales, with the others. This is information that needs to be released to educate the public and prevent further risk. WIthholding the information ensures that there will be more cases, and, potentially, increased severity for those who are infected but do not know it. Earlier medical attention should lessen the severity I would think. Would that not be the responsible thing to do?

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

About: Google Millionaire Tells Obama: 'Raise My Taxes, Please!'

People are saying:

1) Obama, please do not raise my taxes. I do not want to pay tax that goes to pay interest for money that banks create out of nothing when we borrow. I do not want to pay interest to the FED, I do not want to pay interest to any private bank. Google for “How do banks create money" to understand the cause of your own slavery.

2) So much a fake. lf he wants to pay more all he has to do is write a check to the U.S. Treasury. Give me a break, this was a planned show and tell.

3) This guy is grandstanding. lf he wants to share his wealth with the government, cut them a check. Same goes for Warren Buffett, et al.
Those rich liberals always yak about paying more but it’s always us poor stiffs on the bottom who wind up paying thru the nose.
Cher once said, "Raise my taxes. I'll just work harder." That’s good for you Cher, but I'm working just as hard as I can and earning all I can. And, it’s not enough to go around much less pay more taxes.

4) Or maybe we can just make the little people keep paying more and more and more ...........................


6) Here's what you do if you want to help pay down the debt.
How do you make a contribution to reduce the debt?
There are two ways for you to make a contribution to reduce the debt:
You can make a contribution online either by credit card, checking or savings account at Pay.gov
You can write a check payable to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and in the memo section, notate that it's a Gift to reduce the Debt Held by the Public. Mail your check to:
Attn Dept G
Bureau of the Public Debt
P. O. Box 2188
Parkersburg, WV 26106-2188
See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/o2oCz1

7) All those that want to repeal the Bush tax cuts raise your hands .................
All those that want to see the bottom tax bracket go up 50% from 10% to 15% raise your hands ............ No hands? Then why did you raise your hands the first time?

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

About: 'Lion King' chases off Brad Pitt to remain No. 1

People are saying:

1) a) Also, this proves a long-standing theory of mine. Industry "experts" have said that the decline in moviegoing attendance is attributed to the vast of array of entertainment options at home now what with on-demand and Netflix and the internet, and/or high ticket prices, etc. No, the reason people don't go to the movies is because too many movies these days are crap. The Lion King's unprecedented success is evidence that people are in fact perfectly willing to go to the movies, and pay exhorbitant prices, if you actually put something good there.
b) Not to mention the cost of a ticket and then add some popcorn and a drink. Then you have to deal with a bunch of children and their cell phones. No thanks, I'll stay home.

2) a) Makes me sick when I think about how much it costs to go to the movies. If everyone would just quit going, maybe they'd get the real picture and drop the prices. I have not and will not pay full price to go to the movies. Not too mention, the high prices for the concession stand.
b) Depends on where you go. We have a dollar theater around here, and our bigger ones are like $6.95 a ticket, which is fair.
The concession stand may be over priced but, you don't have to buy from it. Sneak your own stuff in, at least that is what I do.

3) a) Brad Pitt isn't going to do anything great until he loses that lunatic he's married to.
b) They are both great people and great actors......get a life
c) Angelina Jolie made out with her brother... what a great person. If you don't believe me look it up.
d) That's her business.....stop living vicariously through others.....There are sites that can help you with your disability benefits...You should check them out.....

4) a) 20 million is good for moneyball I bet Pitt is not complaining. Lion King is making the money because parents are taking their kids to a movie they loved when they were a kid. Lion king was well written and the best movie disney have put out in the last 40 years.
b) Lets face it Disney is utter fail since they stopped releasing movies like the Lion King, Mulan, Hercules, etc, and started releasing crap series like Hanna Montana and crap. Don't they realise that their animated cartoons were their biggest thing. Anyone remember Ducktales, Dark Wing Duck, Tailspin, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Timon and Pumba, etc. Those were the good times of disney now it's just utter fail.

5) a) Also there have been so many baseball movies its not even funny. Lion King is one of a kind, and to be honest I rarely go to the movies not because of price but because so many movies are so awful. Like Twilight and other movies. New movies can never beat a classic.
b) E no Disney movie is an original idea or one of a kind. none the less the older Disney movies are still Classics.

6) And people were SO confident that Brad Pitt, this alleged megastar, would top the box office so easily with some movie that appeals to hardly anyone purely because of his star-power. Instead, he couldn't even beat a re-release of a movie that came out 17 years ago, on it's SECOND WEEKEND. That's PRETTY pathetic.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

About: Thomas Roberts: GOP Candidates Want To Return To Time When 'Slavery Was Cool'

People are saying:

1) a) Cheering for people being killed, advocating letting someone die if they can't pay for medical attention, booing people in the armed forces, advocating doing away with social safety nets, eliminatin­g the minimum wage etc. There isn't enough room on these posts to include all the anti social ideology these candidates support and cater too from the far right extreme.
b) If it weren't that you actually believe this hyperbole, I would think you were joking. Sadly, you are not.

2) It angered me when I first heard about these things, but at this point I think I am just sad... it pains me to think that Americans truly feel this way about their fellow citizens, what has happened to our country, when did we become so mean to each other???

3) a) Thomas Roberts is no better than these people for what he said.
b) Difference is Roberts told the truth, the CON's have no idea what truth means!

4) startiling­ly harsh...se­riously...­..these nuts go around making comments like mental patients and if you criticize them your startiling­ly harsh!!!!!­!!!!! wake up!!

5) a) We've all had enough of these bigots. This is the character and quality of Republican candidates in 2011. Not one of them deserves to be on that stage to represent the American people.
b) Actually Dems are the bigoted ones always denigratin­g people of faith and then calling out racism where there is none to stoke racial tensions for votes. If you want proof go to your hero Big Ed Shultz and see exactly how he cried racism when none was there.
If this is all you can fall back on Dems you are in big trouble this election.
c) How about some links to show how Dems are "always denigratin­g people of faith"?
And since you chose the word "always" I would expect to see multiple links, over a period of time, and referencin­g more than one person with a "D" after their name to verify your claim.

6) You don't understand­, it is not that these idiots are running, it is that a very substantia­l number of our fellow citizens cannot see how ludicrous they are and fervently support them. The intelligen­t Germans thought Hitler was a clown too. There is a real danger here...

7) I agree with him 100%. I applaud anyone in a position to be heard who actually uses it to tell it like it is. We have him, Morgan Freeman, Keith Olbermann, etc. Let's get some momentum and keep it going!

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

About: NASA satellite breaks up, plunges back to Earth

People are saying:

1) God I hope it hits the cast of Jersey Shore.

2) They can read my license plate from space, but they don't immediately know where they dropped a "bus"?

3) Illegal to keep the pieces....WHAT???? I pay for it, you use it, then you scatter it all over the earth around me and then tell me I can't keep a piece of it...#$%$

4) Nice. 50 guys with 75 calculators, 45 slide rulers, 150 wind machines, and 47 PhD's say it hit "Earth". I don't feel so dumb now.

5) Grampy B: Today’s forecast: cloudy with a chance of severe satellite showers, may be heavy at times.

6) Guys- try to find satelite insurance company!

7) It is built with gold, and platinum no wonder they want you to leave it alone. Tons of it.

8) Gold and platinum wouldn't survive descending into earth. Gold melt at like 600 degrees lol.