sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

About: Obama Leaves God out of Thanksgiving Speech, Riles Critics

The action
Critics of President Obama felt little holiday cheer after the president did not thank God in his Thanksgiving-themed weekly Internet address. They immediately took to Twitter and the Internet to voice anger and disbelief.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) As a black women I kick myself everyday because i voted for obama never again will i listen to brainwashed democratic plantation blacks. Im free now and im voting republican 2012.

2) Religion has no place in Politics especially in a SECULAR nation like the US.

3) I'm just glad ..... or thankful to be home : ) instead of deployed this year : )

4) He didn't thank God for the same reason that he goes golfing and isn't with his family on Christmas! He isn't a Christian! He said it all when he said he was glad that McCain didn't bring up his Muslim faith, when he was being interviewed. We know what Obama is all about by now. If he is re-elected in 2012, then we know where America is headed! To He-- in a hand basket!

5) Since when has Thanksgiving been a christian holiday?

6) Matthew 6: 5 When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you they have already been paid in full.6 But when you pray, go to your room , close your door , and pray to your father who is unseen, and your father who sees what you do in private will reward you.

7) I don't want to live.... In this country anymore... Seriously you christian extremists are ruining our wonderful secular republic, how dare you think this country is for you and you only. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

8) If more Americans PRACTICED their religion rather than using it to condemn others this could actually become a better country.

9) It is an unseasonably warm 65 degrees in the Washington area, and President Obama has bolted out of the White House to go golfing.
It’s his 30th time golfing this year and the 88th golf outing of his presidency.
He’s at the Andrews Air Force base course with one of his usual crew, White House trip director Martin Nicholson, as well as Marvin’s brother Walter and Reggie Love.
Love, who is Obama’s personal assistant – or “body man” – is not usually a golfing companion. So the outing may be a farewell gift to Reggie, who is leaving by the end of the year.
Obama also referred to himself as "Commander AND Chief" in his Thanksgiving Day speech instead of "Commander-IN-Chief"

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

About: Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Bill Maher Face Off On 'The View'

The action
Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Bill Maher had an incredibly awkward exchange on Tuesday's "The View," after Hasselbeck confronted Maher over a joke he told about her last year.
Maher was speaking on his HBO show about the detention of CBS correspondent Lara Logan in Egypt. He joked, "New rule: now that Hosni Mubarak has released Lara Logan, he must put her intrepid hotness on a plane immediately. In exchange, we will send Elisabeth Hasselbeck."

The reaction
People are saying:

1) Lets get to the root of Elisabeth'­s dishonesty­: She started her tirade with saying that Lara Logan was raped. She then says that Bill Maher made that joke about trading her for Lara Logan. Here is the actual timeline:
February 4, 2011: Lara Logan released from Egyptian military custody
February 4, 2011: Bill Maher makes joke about swapping Lara Logan for Hasselbeck
February 11, 2011: Lara Logan is assaulted in Egypt.
Now, Elisabeth tries to conflate her argument by implying that Bill Maher made that joke AFTER the rape had occurred which would have been in very poor taste. That is simply not true. Elisabeth is a dishonest individual­.

2) Hasselbeck always ends up looking like a petty, whiny fool when she tries to confront anyone who has insulted her.

3) She can be grateful that Maher was on his most gracious behavior & decided to go easy on her. Had he been in a vitriolic mood I guarantee he would have made her stomp away in tears. Intellectu­ally she's light years away from Maher. It could've been nasty but Bill kept his cool.

4) She keeps saying "It's not personal" when it clearly is. She keeps saying "I'm not hurt" when she clearly is. She criticizes this ability to be funny, when its clearly a personal opinion. Where was her profession­alism?
And the Republican­'s complain about the 'gotcha media'? Geesh...

5) Elisabeth went into a battle of wits unarmed, and lost.
She will never learn.

6) Quite possibly the most whiney woman I've ever seen.
"You can't hurt me"... as she's sitting there clearly still bruised from a comedian's comments made about a year ago.

7) La Liz needs to learn not to mess with people who have triple her IQ...she looked like the fool she is.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

About: Detroit prayer event puts Muslim community on edge

The action
DETROIT (AP) — An area with one of the largest Muslim communities in the United States is bracing itself for a 24-hour prayer rally by a group that counts Islam among the ills facing the nation.
The gathering in Detroit at Ford Field, the stadium where the Detroit Lions play, starts Friday evening and is designed to tackle issues such as the economy, racial strife, same-sex relationships and abortion. But the decade-old organization known as TheCall has said Detroit is a "microcosm of our national crisis" in all areas, including "the rising tide of the Islamic movement."

The reaction
People are saying:

1) Why is this a story? If it was a Muslim prayer event, and Christians or Jews came out against it, it would be racism, but because the largest organized religion in America has a prayer event, Muslims are concerned? Shouldn't atheists, witches and wickens, druids and pagans be just as concerned? Typical American media scare tactics...be afraid, the boogeyman is coming, but the government will protect you. I'm more scared by the 'qualified' candidates running for President.

2) It's not just "someone" holding the event, it's adherents of a religion with a proven history of violence going back to its founding. Even a cursory glance at history will reveal that Christians are aggressively intolerant of those who are not followers of their particular brand of Christianity.

3) Unfortunately, most muslims living in America already consider themselves Muslim First, American Second. (49% vs 26%). The stats for christians are 46% vs 46%. (Pew Poll for 2011).
In neighbouring Canada, according to recent poll, 65% of canadian muslims want the implementation of some kind of Sharia Law, while 35% refuse to repudiate Al Qaeda. The data shows that there is something wrong with muslims.
Clear muslim majorities in Europe, also consider themselves Muslim First, citizen of their respective country second (according to Pew Polls). On the other hand, clear majorities of christians in european countries consider themselves citizens of their respective country first, christian second.
Even in muslim countries, the majority of muslims consider themselves Muslim First, citizen of their country second.
There were some 40 terrorist plots to attack the United States by american muslims in cooperation with foreign muslim entities hostile to the US during the last ten years.
In contrast, only two German-Americans citizens participated in a planned sabotage plot during World War II, along with six Germans who had worked in the United States, even though roughly 20 percent of the country had German ancestry. There were almost no examples of cooperation by Japanese-Americans with Imperial Japan’s forces.
There were no cases of americans joining Serbia during the US aerial attacks against this country, and no attacks prepared by american serbs or ortodox chritians in order to revenge the US bombings, although the US sided with muslims against christians in this war.

4) Fundamentalists are the same all over whether they be christian, muslim, hindu or whatever. Bigots all and the curse of humanity. But only in the US and the muslim countries is such an event possible. That proves my point, the same crock of s..

5) I consider any person or religion, that wants to kill me, a major threat.

6) So you must then understand why the muslims feel threatened...

7) Islam demands that non-Muslims be converted, subjocated, or killed. It's quite clearly written in the Quran, and many, many texts written by Muslim scholars. Just because most Muslims don't adhere put this orthodoxy into practice, there's a huge number of Muslims who have no problem with this ideology.
It's not just a fringe. Most Islamic coutries impose the death penalty for converting from Islam to another religion. Think about that.

8) this is how the old-world felt when Christians were cutting the heads of off non-believers—all monotheism is domination by force and brutality—study the history of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam: get rid of all of them!

9) 150,000 to 200,000 Muslims... so detroit is 30% muslim?

10) Yes but do you know HOW they got here? You can thank good ole Henry Ford for that one!
His belief was the people who normally live in hot climates (like the middle east) would fair better in his factories were melting metals, smelting etc were involved. So he grabs a bunch of them and offers them jobs. They have been here for awhile and have been growing ever since.
So whom are you thank for this? A white man and his greed!

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

About: Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore Talk Expansion of Occupy Movement

The action
Michael Moore appeared on Rachel Maddow's show Thursday night to discuss the expansion of the Occupy movements sweeping across the United States.
The filmmaker and activist has traveled across the nation to speak to protesters in various cities including New York, Oakland and Denver. He was speaking to Maddow from Denver, where he addressed demonstrators earlier on Thursday.
Moore told protesters, "if you see someone trying to incite violence, start with the assumption that that person is...undercover homeland security or a cop or whatever, because this is the history of America, where those in charge have tried to ignite people, incite them to commit acts of violence.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I'm on my way to join my neighborho­od OWS.
I'm a middle class middle-age­d employed white male.
It's difficult to take part when you work 9 hours a day. That's a dilemma that many of us face, but I feel that it is imperative that people like me participat­e and are visible. The corporate-­sponsored media and politician­s naturally want to paint a violent image of OWS.
It is up to boring old working stiffs who love America -- like me, and possibly you -- to show ourselves, to be heard, and stand with OWS.

2) you have to admitt...o­ne must take notice of how FAST this movement spread across the usa. Ten years ago if anyone mentioned such a thing people would have laughed. The leaders of this country might mock them now but if they can become this big this fast this country could see a revolution in the not so distant future. its happening around the world!! As things get worse and credit gets tighter the mood of the people will get angrier!!

3a) I have to absolutely agree with Mr. Moore. The rightists and baggers will do ANYTHING to undermine anything beneficial to the American people. ALL they want is to destroy the AMERICAN voice and this administra­tion. The recent trouble is ALL from the rightists.

3b) Then prove it. It should be fairly simple for someone like Michael Moore. All those arrested have police reports which are public record.

4) That is true that some cops may infiltrate­. If you recall there was an anti Iraq war rally organized in Iowa. Twenty demonstrat­ors were arrested. Attorneys from the ACLU were given the names of those arrested.
As they assisted them with bail they found that there were only 19 in jail who needed help.
As the demonstrat­ors were released, they were perplexed as to the whereabout­s of the other man.
That was answered when he was seen outside the police station, free and talking among his fellow officers. He had been undercover and the newest member of the group, only coming in a few days before. It was also recalled that he had been the one to say that they needed to do something to get attention-­some act of violence-t­hat was quickly put down by the others. He was undercover and also trying to get them to do something that would put them in a bad light. So beware OWS and do not let yourselves be led in the wrong direction.

5) Oh, here we go, assume these anarchists are undercover agents. Give me a break. Assume instead that they are what they seem, anarchists bent on coopting the Occupy movement to their own dismal ends.

6a) Assuming politics is set aside, do we really care about moore's opinion on anything?? He is a marginal film maker with little expertise outside of that area.

6b) "Marginal" meaning, of course, the most sucessful documentar­y filmmaker in history whose films have been seen by millions. I'd like to be that "marginal.­"

7) Here is where the great Martin Luther King becomes really relevant. I hope the Occupiers will keep their movement strong by rememberin­g it is Peaceful Protest that makes the magic happen. I would not put it past those who want to see the movement fail, do it by planting rabble rousers in the crowd to make trouble and blame it on the Occupiers. Good Luck to OWS.