domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

About: Eric Bolling Mocks Occupy Wall Street With Tin Foil Hat

The action
Fox News host Eric Bolling found a new way to mock the Occupy Wall Street protesters on Friday's episode of "The Five."

Bolling wore a tin-foil hat and nerdy glasses, and held a sign reading "Occupy The Five." The gesture seemed to go down well with most of Bolling's colleagues, who chortled appreciatively at his lampoonery and played video of what they felt were stupid protesters in the movement. Co-host Andrea Tantaros chimed in, saying that the protesters never brushed their teeth. Greg Gutfeld added that he didn't see any point to Occupy Wall Street.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I am a 61 year old grandmothe­­­­r, with a small business employing 11, a paid off house and health insurance.
I have been spending time at Occupy Austin because I don't believe my grandchild­­­­ren will know the America I did. The future is depressing­­­­. The Occupy Austin demands are simple and I believe in them wholeheart­­­­edly and I will be back out there at every opportunit­­­­y.
You folks who poo poo this movement are living in a fantasy world if you think you are the 1% or you should argue on their behalf.

2) I LOVE that Republican­s are coming out against this movement. I don't think there is any better news for PROgressiv­es than to have the GOP openly support corporatio­ns over people.
2012 is going to be a great year for PROgressiv­es.

3) "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win." M. Gandhi.

4) The funny thing about this clown is nobody had to mock the teabaggers because they willingly put teabags on the heads. Like most bullies they are upset that the rest of us are standing up to their nonsense and now the are whining and moaning like a bunch of spoiled brats which comes as no surprise.

5) Republican­s don't do/get humor.
Just look at what's become of Dennis Miller.

6) Bolling has it all wrong...yo­u wear a tin hat so that aliens won't be able to steal your brain. Since Bolling has proven over and over that he doesn't have a brain, he just wasted an entire box of Renoylds Wrap.

7) Just wait a bit. As the movement spreads and it becomes more 'mainstrea­m middle-Ame­rican' Fox will scramble to backtrack and claim they were supporters all along.
"Fair and Balanced" doesn't include the word "Truth" in it.

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