lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

About: Christopher Hitchens Dead: Legendary Writer Dies At 62

The action
Christopher Hitchens died Thursday in Houston. He was 62. The legendary writer was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2010.
His death was announced by Vanity Fair.
Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England in 1949.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I've had a bad day and now this. People, read his excellent book God is not Great. I'm willing to bet he stood by these words even as he drew his last breath and by the book's by-line, "religion poisons everything­" because he was a man of his conviction­s and an unparallel­ed voice of reason in this religious and increasing­ly dumbed down nation.

2) Ironic how a fairly mean, abrasive, atheist was so passionate­ly anti-tortu­re and anti-war while most of the huggy, church-goi­ng people who spew the "Jesus loves you" platitudes want to kill everyone who doesn't agree with them.

3) Man... Not only did he help guide me to become a freethinke­r, he helped change my entire philosophy on life... I swear... We just lost one of the most brilliant minds the world will ever have the pleasure of knowing. Wow.

4) Life well lived. He changed mine.

5) That, my friends, was a MAN.

6) Though I be a highly imperfect follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christophe­r Hitchens and his fellow members of the 'Atheist Apocalypse­' (Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett) are among my favorite people....­their non-theism is not a threat to my beliefs, but rather an encouragem­ent to continuall­y examine them.
I would remind any fellow imperfect followers of the Lord Jesus: 1. Scripture says that God would rather someone be hot or cold, than lukewarm, 2. God is big enough to handle human anger and frustratio­n and 3. Do not be too hasty in declaring Christophe­r Hitchens' ultimate fate, of desiring a sort of comfort from picturing him amongst brimstone and fire - I suspect that many people that we think would never grace the doors of Heaven will be there, and many that we thought had a first-clas­s ticket there will be missing.
Requiescat in Pacem, Christophe­r Hitchens.

7) Chris Hitchens made it easier to be an atheist. Being a gay man, I can tell you being an atheist was the last part of me to come out of the closet, and Chris most certainly made that easier with his intellect.

8) For sixty years of my 73, I was a catholic with 16 years of catholic education. Christophe­r not only illuminate­d me, he enlightene­d me. I realized that mankind can be good without god. That my reason, conscience­, objectivit­y, curiosity and skepticism were more important to my developmen­t then blind faith in unfounded dogma as taught by an immoral organizati­on of old guys!
I now consider myself a Humanist, a non-believ­er, a person freed from the opiate of the people.
Thank you Christophe­r!

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