domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

About: ‘Iron Man 3′ Joins Movie And TV Production Exodus To North Carolina

The action
“The rumors are true,” a North Carolina TV station announced when the governor flew to the hometown movie studio to break the news this past week. “Tony Stark and the third installment of the Iron Man movie franchise will fly into Wilmington.” Great news for North Carolina maybe but for the Los Angeles movie and TV community it felt like a punch in the gut. Thanks to the state’s generous 25% production credit, North Carolina’s EUE/Screen Gems Studios sealed the deal. Manhattan Beach-based Marvel Studios considered making the third movie in Los Angeles just like the first two, but the 25% credit proved too hard to resist. California has a 25% credit — which excludes big budget studio productions. Marvel also considered Michigan and New Mexico but North Carolina won out because of the size of the facility as well as the tax credit.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I hope they will include the following characters in future Iron Man sequels:
Bethany Cabe, Force, Rumiko Fujikawa, Guardsman, Iron Man 2020.
I look forward to seeing the following villains in future Iron Man sequels:
Arsenal, Beetle (Abner Jenkins), Blizzard (Donnie Gill), Cobalt Man, Controller, Dreadknight, Edwin Cord, Ezekiel Stane, Fin Fang Foom, Firebrand, Firepower, Ghost, Grey Gargoyle, Hypnotia, Justine Hammer, Iron Patriot, Kearson DeWitt, Killer Shrike, Living Laser, Madame Masque, Mandarin, Mauler, Melter, MODOK, Morgan Stark/Gregory Stark, Raiders, Spymaster, Sunset Bain, Sunturion, Temugin, Titanium Man, Unicorn, Ultimo, Wong-Chu.

2) Alot of companys are leaving California, I wouldn’t be shocked if studios move out of the state and begin building huge lots in Hollywood Florida. *rimshot*

3) Already happening. “Rock of Ages” is filming at a studio in Miami, even though it takes place in LA. A huge Sunset Blvd set has been built – it’s quite an impressive and cool looking set.
Miami isn’t a threat right now, but can be – its already a large production center, especially for television (albeit mostly Spanish language) and offers most of the weather and glamor of Los Angeles in a tax-friendly red (or purple, if you must) state.

4) To quote Jack Warner When the Red Robin Comes bobbing, he impersonated himself and made his employees clap to his radio performance. I use this quote for a reason.
Life is too good in LA. They will never move their offices to NM, Vegas, Seattle, etc etc.
Once Cali bounces back and the want to be a producer, director, writer phase is shifted back to the great times of the 20′s 30′s etc. Cali will be the the greater movie maker until infinity.

5) This is just another attempt by studios to get California into a race to the bottom where even if we put some more skin in the game, the studios would still chose another more desperate region that’s putting it’s skin, heart, liver, and lungs into the game.
Interestingly enough the article fails to mention that the reason Michigan and New Mexico lost iron man is because they are either getting rid of or capping their own film subsidy programs. They are making investments in films that get up and leave right after the shoot is over. Jerry bruckheimer is already threatening new Mexico to take work to Louisiana if new Mexico does not INCREASE and match Louisiana’s 30% rebate. Don’t forget about Canada either.
So what should California do?
The us studios are all based here and will not and cannot leave. For every dollar a studio gets in subsidies, the state should charge a countervailing tax to negate that value. That immediately ends the race to the bottom. The studios will cry and threaten to leave but would you really believe that when they’ve been unable to stay in other states once the subsidy goes away. Play hardball.

6) The studios could actually leave the country. Doesn’t Woody Allen film in France a lot to cut costs? Another way to handle it would be to not tax business in America. After all, business don’t really pay taxes, people pay taxes.

7) Here’s the problem: despite the fact that the studios are based in Los Angeles, their parent companies (with the exception of Disney) are based elsewhere. More importantly, one isn’t even a US company (SONY) – and News Corp, despite being registered in the US is philosophically NOT a US company. So you start with a corporate culture that has no real attachment to LA. And these companies, not unlike most multinationals (and most US corporate giants) will always gravitate to the cheapest dollar (labor or otherwise). The states that have instituted the tax credits/rebates are being very smart about being attractive to this mindset. LA is quickly becoming non-competitive in this regard. Add to the mix that 70% of a movie’s box office is from international and it’s home base really doesn’t matter. All these things combine for a perfect storm for the film/TV business in LA. This is not all about tax credits, it is about massive media consolidation. Arguably Paramount (Viacom – based in NY and Boston) would make more money selling the studio for real estate than continue to cover the overhead of a massive chunk of land in LA while making movies everywhere but. It certainly makes economic sense (especially if you’re an accountant!).
One last note – don’t forget that in the 1910′s, CA offered many economic subsidies/economic realities that helped lure the business Westward. The old canard about the weather was not the main reason for the move (that’s just a popular myth – because the weather is nice…). The reality was that the state made it very attractive to the East Coast Exhibitors (who were starting to produce their own product) to relocate to LA. Further, because of the way copyright/trademark laws were handled on a state level at that time – and Edison controlled the trademark for the film cameras and projectors on the East Coast and was very litigious about it all – it made sense to get as far away from his control as possible. Interesting how it all comes around.

8) Wrong. There were two reasons for why Michigan lost out to NC. One was the fact that NC’s subsidy was already in place while the funds for Michigan’s subsidy were promised but still hadn’t been raised.
Additionally, the Wilmington area is much nicer… it’s a college town by the beach that offers more scenic locations, better looking extras and an impressive assemblage of competent crew members who have built years of experience working on everything from One Tree Hill and Eastbound and Down to Blue Velvet and The Hunger Games.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

About: Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters

The action
A radio ad for a handgun training class that bars Muslims and Obama voters has sparked an investigation in Texas.
"We will attempt to teach you all the necessary information you need to obtain your [Concealed Handgun License]," the ad says. Then towards the end, it adds: "If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision under the law."
And then: "If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame; I am Crockett Keller, thank you, and God bless America."

The reaction
People are saying:

1) Dear South, I wish we never would have took you back after the civil war, you have the more racism, obesity, illiteracy, low sat and act scores and opposition to science than the rest of the country. You put Reagan and Bush Jr in office and ruined this country. You claim to be true patriotic Americans but then wave Confederate flags which symbolize the desire to secede from the United States. Please secede again, we would be so much better without you. You might not all be able to read this because either you can't read or you are not interested in it because it is not covered in white country gravy.

2) As an American/Arab Muslim, Not that I need a gun but I might just get one and start my own class :) Freedom to bare arms with a smiley. And for the record, I will fight for this country the USA that is because I am an American now. Buy me a gun to protect my family from crazy uneducated Rednecks like this guy that watch Fox News and think all Arab Muslims are terrorist.

3) The koran says to kill all non-muslims. Islam is not a peaceful religion. It is evil. It has been evil going back to the 8th century, etc.

4) It used to be the Russians (Reagan) and the Jews (Senator McCarthy) - Now we are told we have to fear all Muslims (GOP, et al) A decade from now, it'll be some other group. It is the nature of this country to fear what we don't understand and no one will take the time to educate themselves on the subject. Read the Koran - it does not say what you've been told by the right.

5) Agree or not, this is freedom of speech.

6) Instead of fighting the Civil War, the North should have put up a fence...

7) In a muslim country christians have no rights whatsoever. Especially not the right to openly practice their religion.

8) Technically, a business has the right to refuse service to anyone. It's their call, they are a private enterprise.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

About: MSNBC Lineup Changes: 'Ed Show' Moves To 8 PM, 'Last Word' Returns To 10 PM

The action
MSNBC announced Wednesday that it is making a major change to its lineup.
Starting Monday, "The Ed Show" will be moved to the prime 8 PM slot. Lawrence O'Donnell's "The Last Word" will be moved to 10 PM, where it began before it was shifted to 8 PM following Keith Olbermann's departure from the network.
Rachel Maddow, the network's highest-rated host, will stay where she is at 9 PM.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) O'donnell has one of the most credible voice in TV. he consistent­ly rises above the media hoopla and presents an intelligen­t and eloquent appraisal of the politics of the day.

2) Unfortunat­ely for msnbc, their demographi­c is from the 21st century, and are able to get their news from a great many sources. Whereas, fixed news viewers have to leave their tvs on the same channel or they'll forget where to find it.

3) What this really means is that Phil Griffin should be fired. It's safe to say that he let his personal feelings about Olbermann cloud his judgement and it's cost his network hundreds of thousands of viewers. His unprofessi­onal behavior translated directly into viewership loss.

4) Why does Phil Griffin still have a job?
Olberman brought Maddow to MSNBC

5) What's amusing in many of the conservati­ve comments here is that they equate ratings with quality. The fact that Fox has higher ratings than MSNBC just confirms that tv in general tends to attract, shall we say, not the brightest bulbs. No big surprise that tv watchers tend to gravitate to a network that dumbs things down.

6) Liberal commentary will never beat conservati­ve commentary on tv or radio. There's too much critical thinking involved with liberal commentary­. Conservati­ve commentary appeals to the lowest common denominato­rs: fear and h8.

7) Good for Ed. He may not have the poise or polish of some commentato­rs, but he is a truly good person, who spent maximum time in Madison, Wisconsin getting the real story.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

About: 100-year-old marathoner finishes race

The action
TORONTO (AP) — A 100-year-old runner became the oldest person to complete a full-distance marathon when he finished the race in Toronto on Sunday.
Fauja Singh earned a spot in the Guinness World Records for his accomplishment.
It took Singh more than eight hours to cross the finish line — more than six hours after Kenya's Kenneth Mungara won the event for the fourth straight year — and he was the last competitor to complete the course.
Sunday's run was Singh's eighth marathon — he ran his first at age 89 — and wasn't the first time he set a record.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) This is actually kind of inspiring to me. I don't want to become old and frail and not be able to do anything. This guy is basically saying that I never have to become frail and completely dependent, even if I reach 100.

2) He doesn't look 100. Let's see a birth certificate.

3) Age is just a number!

4) I'd like to know about the diet and exercise also. He doesnt look 100, more like 70. If he's a vegetarian, how does he keep up his stamina without meat proteins? I feel enthused. Need to write his a note.

5) I totally expected to see some racist comments about his turban, very glad to see that's not the case! This is such an inspiring article that proves it's never too late to pursue your dreams.

6) And people less than half his age drive around the Wal-Mart parking lot five times to get a spot close to the entrance.

7) I give the guy a hell of a lot of credit. Nothing wrong with old age as long as you still have your mind and body. Keep it up.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

About: Eric Bolling Mocks Occupy Wall Street With Tin Foil Hat

The action
Fox News host Eric Bolling found a new way to mock the Occupy Wall Street protesters on Friday's episode of "The Five."

Bolling wore a tin-foil hat and nerdy glasses, and held a sign reading "Occupy The Five." The gesture seemed to go down well with most of Bolling's colleagues, who chortled appreciatively at his lampoonery and played video of what they felt were stupid protesters in the movement. Co-host Andrea Tantaros chimed in, saying that the protesters never brushed their teeth. Greg Gutfeld added that he didn't see any point to Occupy Wall Street.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I am a 61 year old grandmothe­­­­r, with a small business employing 11, a paid off house and health insurance.
I have been spending time at Occupy Austin because I don't believe my grandchild­­­­ren will know the America I did. The future is depressing­­­­. The Occupy Austin demands are simple and I believe in them wholeheart­­­­edly and I will be back out there at every opportunit­­­­y.
You folks who poo poo this movement are living in a fantasy world if you think you are the 1% or you should argue on their behalf.

2) I LOVE that Republican­s are coming out against this movement. I don't think there is any better news for PROgressiv­es than to have the GOP openly support corporatio­ns over people.
2012 is going to be a great year for PROgressiv­es.

3) "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win." M. Gandhi.

4) The funny thing about this clown is nobody had to mock the teabaggers because they willingly put teabags on the heads. Like most bullies they are upset that the rest of us are standing up to their nonsense and now the are whining and moaning like a bunch of spoiled brats which comes as no surprise.

5) Republican­s don't do/get humor.
Just look at what's become of Dennis Miller.

6) Bolling has it all wrong...yo­u wear a tin hat so that aliens won't be able to steal your brain. Since Bolling has proven over and over that he doesn't have a brain, he just wasted an entire box of Renoylds Wrap.

7) Just wait a bit. As the movement spreads and it becomes more 'mainstrea­m middle-Ame­rican' Fox will scramble to backtrack and claim they were supporters all along.
"Fair and Balanced" doesn't include the word "Truth" in it.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

About: The story behind Kirk Cameron’s sad birthday photo

The action

Kirk Cameron, star of the popular '80s sitcom "Growing Pains," celebrated his 41st birthday earlier this week. Cameron, who is now pursuing a new television career as a Christian evangelist and co-host of an evangelical show called "The Way of the Master," spent his birthday at Living Waters Ministry in Bellflower, Calif. The ministry's staff threw him a small party, and ordered from Subway. Lane Chaplin, a student at nearby Trinity Law School and a guest at the party, snapped a photo of Cameron blowing out the candles on a cake in Living Waters' rather sparse conference room. Chaplin uploaded the photo to Twitter. It quickly went viral.
"See a Very Sad Photo From Kirk Cameron's Birthday Party" the headline on New York magazine's Vulture blared.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I never understood why atheists spend their lives trying to disprove something that has no effect on them. If you don't believe in a God, so be it. Putting others down because they are spiritual? Does it make you happy?

2) Hey, leave the man alone, OK so he has chosen to live a Christian Life, isn't pierced, inked and drugged/drunk out of his mind, gee the poor man. Good news is looks like he has figured out what is really important in his life, looks like a lead many of our glorious hollywood and sports idols could and should follow, Good on ya Kirk for having morals and standards, wish more people in "Show Biz" did.

3) Why is this sad??? He got SubWay, cake and he has a job...sounds pretty good to me...

4) did this really need to be an article?

5) This is not sad, this is being normal!! I am so proud of Kirk! He has chosen to take the path less traveled and help lead others down the right path and is happy in what he is doing! There are stars in hollywood getting mixed up in dope, alcohol and end up losing their life at an early age. That is sad and obviously these in hollywood doing this are trying to fill a void with the wrong kind of things that only lead to death. So you tell me what's sad, life or death? I choose life and life more abundantly! Keep on keeping on Kirk for the Lord! Your reward is in heaven!

6) What they meant by sad is the fact that his devoutness tanked his career. It is one thing to believe and totally another to try and cram it down other peoples throats and talk about it 24/7. I've heard the guys religious talk before, and it just makes you want to burst out in laughter.

7) Subway sandwiches. That's pretty much what all us can afford now under the Obama Socialist Regime.

8) I would much have a quiet humble party with a few family and friends who know and love me that a lavish, expensive, drunken party with many superficial "Friends". Happy B-Day Kirk!

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

About: Ed Henry Clashes With Obama At White House Press Conference

The action

Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry experienced a tense moment with President Obama during a Thursday press conference. The President held a joint press conference with Lee Myung-Bak, President of South Korea. Ed Henry had the first question of the conference and asked Obama if he considered the alleged Iranian assassination plot to be "an act of war."

Henry decided to quote a Mitt Romney statement from last week when asking for the President's plans to address Iran's alleged terror plot. Henry asked the President "what specific steps will you take to hold Iran accountable? Especially when Mitt Romney charged last week, quote, 'If you do not want America to be the strongest nation on Earth, I am not your President. You have that president today.'"

Obama paused and answered, "Well I did not know you were the spokesman for Romney," and smiled down at Henry.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) Henry's quote contained a slur on the President. Henry could have left the value judgement out, but he didn't. The questions was ENTIRELY inappropri­ate in a joint press conference with a foreign leader. Henry is an embarrassm­ent.

2) Never could stand the smug, too pleased with himself Ed Henry, he was biased on CNN and now he's found the perfect home at Fox News where he can regurgitat­e right wing talking points and get slapped down by President Obama - can't say I have a problem with that.

3) The White Press Corps should be reserved for press, not propagandi­sts.

4) And as Henry sat down, the Reporter next to him leaned over and whispered;
"You need any help getting his foot out of your butt?"

5) Why is an entertainm­ent organizati­on given a press pass to the White House. Fox News won a court case by successful­ly arguing that they are legally allowed to present known lies as news because they weren't a news company.

6) Now Folks THAT was a slap down from someone who has shown us MORE success in foreign policy in 3 years than Bush did in 8. LOL.

7) Why is a White House journalist taking a political comment from a Republican presidenti­al candidate and trying to embarass the president in front of a foreign leader? Ed Henry knows that Romney made that comment to appease the right wing base. It was not a factual statement. Fox News once again cements their position as a media joke.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

About: Stricken ship cracks as captain faces NZ court

The action
TAURANGA, New Zealand (AP) — A cargo ship that has spilled hundreds of tons of oil since striking a reef off New Zealand's coast appeared to be breaking up in heavy seas, as its captain faced criminal charges in court Wednesday.
A vertical crack was apparent from the deck to the waterline of the Liberian-flagged Rena, which ran aground Oct. 5 on Astrolabe Reef, 14 miles (22 kilometers) from Tauranga Harbour on New Zealand's North Island. About 70 containers have fallen off the deck of the 775-foot (236-meter) vessel as it has listed increasingly in the worsening ocean conditions.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I didn't notice in the article whether or not this ship was US bound, but thousands more are. If we manufactured our own products, like we once did, we'd rely on far fewer ships to bring us third world made crap!

2) A story like this makes you wonder what the beaches and eco-systems were like during World War 2 with all of the warships being sunk.

3) So this guy is going to go to jail because he made a mistake (which we all do), but our politicians dont go to jail when they deliberately tank our economy? Anyone else see a problem with this?

4) a. I have an off-the topic question. Why is it that I hear always that ships are Liberian flagged. I rarely hear a vessel that isn't Liberian flagged. Why are so many vessels flagged out of Liberia? I am begging to think that their are more Liberian flagged sea vessels than there are Liberian citizens.

4) b. This sort of registration is called "flag of convenience." Liberia makes it easy to register a ship with them by loosely defining sea-worthiness and they require less insurance to be carried in order to register it.

5) Looks like the Captain had a little Captain in him.

6) Looking at the photo it appears the the ship is overloaded. If so, is the captain soley to blame?

7) Where is Greenpeace ? Oh yeah... it's not an American ship.... They only hate America.

8) $7,800 dollar fine. Yeah, that will teach him. Sorry about the fish and water and stuff.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

About: Geraldo Rivera Met With Chants Of 'Fox News Lies' At Occupy Wall Street

The action
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera faced a hostile crowd over the weekend when he went to Lower Manhattan to report on the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Rivera had been to the encampment the week before, but this time his report was met with an endless chant of "Fox News lies!" Rivera referred to the "vitriol" he seemed to be facing before talking to Tavis Smiley and Cornel West about the protests. Later, the Russia Today network caught footage of Rivera exiting the encampment, followed by more chants of "Fox News lies," as well as people saying "hey hey, goodbye." A protester told RT that Rivera was "chased out" of Occupy Wall Street.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) you people claiming folks should locate the source of the problem as DC and not Wall Street are just refusing to admit that DC is OWNED by Wall Street, they're the same damn thing, it makes no sense at all to blame DC and let Wall Street off the hook, that's like blaming the puppets and saying the puppeteer has nothing to do with it, get real.

2) Of course Wall Street is part of the problem. No regulation­s during the Bush years put us into this mess. Fox News not telling the truth does not help.

3) truth is if this was a tea party protest, Fox celebritie­s and republican candidates would be down there passing out donuts and coffee.

4) Speaking as a Marine. I remember he basically told the world and our enemies where our position was by being a complete tool with zero situationa­l awareness. He then came by and tried shaking our hands. I was stinking pretty bad at this point and hadn't taken a shower in about 2 weeks. So a couple of Marines and I reached low and wiped our hands on our asses and then each of us went up to shake this man's hand. I am glad he got yelled out of the protests. This man is a the lowest of the low.
Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Russia Today has better coverage of the protests than any of our corporate media in this country?

5) i always figured Geraldo went to fox because deep down inside he really enjoys doing the_sleazy tabloid stuff.

6) LOVE IT and love the protestors­! Finally our youth are becoming politicall­y involved, trying to take back their country. I am so proud of them. I would contribute to their cause if I knew how to that's how impressed I am. Jesse LaGreca = hero. Go OWS!

7) a. Yea right! NOT.. Obamas MSNBC and NBC is the real liers.. ONLY tell you what they want to, or maybe what there told to!! What are you proud of the out of control protesters­.. The group that dozens and dozens were arrested?? Or is it the protesters who many have NO idea what they are protesting about??

7) b. You keep on filling your head with nonsense like that, Nancy. It'll make the coming tidal wave just that much more of a surprise to you....

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

About: More than 100 charged in massive NYC theft ring

The action
NEW YORK (AP) — Bank tellers, restaurant workers and other service employees in New York lifted credit card data from residents and foreign tourists as part of an identity theft ring that stretched to China, Europe and the Middle East and victimized thousands, authorities said Friday.
In total, 111 people were charged and 86 are in custody; the others are still being sought. Five separate criminal enterprises operating out of Queens were dismantled. They were hit with hundreds of charges, said Queens District Attorney Richard Brown, calling it the largest fraud case he'd ever seen in his two decades in office.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) My picture is on my drivers license. Not on my credit card. Why is that? People are not that stupid are they? If the pic on the card does not match the shopper that there might be a little problem?

2) First of all, the scheme's critical elements were not technological: they used bank tellers and restaurant employees. And second, why don't US credit card companies install security microchips if banks in other countries are using them already?

3) Once these thieves are convicted, how about publicizing their personal info such as photos, ht, wt, eye color, dob, birth date and place, SS number, you know, the works?
Seek treble damages under RICO, and do not forget to go for income tax evasion and seize any and all assets associated with these crimes.

4) At least the NYPD did something to catch the perps. Someone in the state of Washington used my debit card info to puchase high end items online - cameras, programs, phones, etc etc. I knew about it the same day it was happening - called the web stores where the purchases were made, and ended up with the perp's name, address, phone number, and shipping information. I took this to the Springfield, IL PD, who took the information from me, then said that they probably wouldn't do anything with it. I also called the PD in the town in Washington where she lived (where the merchandise was to have been shipped), and before I gave them the information, they flatly told me they wouldn't do anything either. Huh - go figure. Several thousand dollars worth of merchandise that, had I not been so quick to intervene and stop the shipments, would have gone the way of the stuff listed above. And the cops sat back and did NOTHING!!!! Nice to know we're being well-protected by our men in blue. =-(

5) The penalties should be swift and extremely harsh, the result of their activities destroy people's lives.

6) Now go after the Banksters and Wall Street they stole much more than $3 million in 2008, Obama's lame excuse that "while immoral were not criminal" is crap !!!

7) Try that in a small town. Sorry, everyone knows you. Little chance for it to happen.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

About: Lawrence O'Donnell, Herman Cain Argue About The Civil Rights Movement

The action
Lawrence O'Donnell and GOP presidential contender Herman Cain got into a tense argument about an unexpected topic on O'Donnell's Thursday show: Cain's participation in the Civil Rights movement.

The two also discussed Cain's predilection for calling people "brainwashed." He refused to back down from his assertion that many black voters have been brainwashed by the Democratic Party, and also told O'Donnell he thinks that the 81 percent of Americans who support a surtax on the rich have been brainwashed as well.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) Herman Cain is obviously not a man of character, he is too damn old and too damn smart not to know that the Republican party is the vehicle which vile, hateful racists have been using to try to stop the progress of minorities for decades now, yet he has aligned himself with them for personal gain.
Then he goes so far as to call black people "brainwash­ed" for actually rememberin­g which party fought for the Civil Rights movement and which party fought against it tooth and nail, one Republican senator even filibuster­ing it for 24 hours straight. He is spitting in the face of everyone who fought for his rights and he knows it, but his greed and self-right­eous pride over what he's accomplish­ed overpower any shame he might feel.

2) "He said that, as a high school student, "it was not prudent" for him to be involved."
What bilge! Thousands if not tens of thousands of black high school students in the south were involved in protests and allowed themselves to be purposely arrested in order to flood various counties' jails. Was their action "imprudent­"?
"Cain said he didn't understand why O'Donnell was pressing this point..."
Because it speaks volumes about your character, Mr. Cain!

3) I watched this last night and actually felt sorry for Cain. Not because of the combative interview, but, because Cain doesn't get it. The quote about sitting on the back of the bus was very telling; That explains why he's so eager to please and fit in, with people who have accused Obama of not being a real American and, even asking for his birth certificat­e.
I'm so glad that people like MLK and Rosa Parks didn't go along to get along. Thank goodness the Civil Rights activist.. Of all genders and races didn't take Herman's fathers advice, if they did, Obama wouldn't be sitting in the White House now and Herman wouldn't be running.

4) a. Pay attention cons - liberals don't like Herman Cain because he lies, he doesn't respect other black people, his 9-9-9 plan would hurt the poor the most, he blames the unemployed for their plight and wants to continue the same failed policies of the past of more tax cuts for the rich. There are SPECIFIC reasons we don't like him. You cons say things about the President like "he's a socialist" or "he's an elitist" - those are generaliza­tions, but you can rarely give specifics. That is the difference­. So calling us "hypocrite­s" just makes YOU look ridiculous­!!!

4) b. Reasons I don't like POTUS BO:
He has spent the first 3 years of his presidency blaming Bush while he made the situation worse.
He calls for civility unless the hate filled remarks come from his party.
His ObamaCare plan raised my insurance premiums.
He has left MANY of his campaign promises unfulfille­d (even when he had total government control).
He WASTES the taxes I pay on people who REFUSE to take care of themselves and then rails against me as being insensitiv­e.
Wages metaphoric­al war on successful people claiming they don't pay their fair share when the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 74% of the taxes.
Plays to the Lowest Common Denominato­r with Humans and sells ENVY as opposed to ACTUAL solutions.
Has proven with his economic policies that he is determined to make the United States a Socialist country...
Shall I continue?

5) O'Donnell very crisply and clearly demonstrat­ed Cain to be the opportunis­t that he is.
Selfishly stepping on the shoulders (and graves) of those who, through courageous actions, gave him the opportunit­ies he now relishes, while denouncing others who actually continue the fight for equal opportunit­ies. While I respect his achievemen­ts, they were not obtained without the sacrifice of many many others, which he refuses to acknowledg­e. It is hard not to have contempt for him for that reason alone.

6) Does Cain know that Ruby Bridges--a 7 year old 1st grader, knew exactly how to deal with segregatio­n by proudly being the 1st black student at her Louisiana school? Does Cain know about the Little Rock 9 students who desegregat­ed Central High School in 1957? Does Cain know about the bravery of the high school students during the summer of 1963 in Birmingham­, Alabama? Does Cain know there were 2 high school girls who refused to go to the back seat of the bus way before Rosa Parks? You see Mr. Cain, the Civil Rights Movement was all about the courage of young people--be­ginning with the lynching of the 14 year old Emmett Till in 1955...the very event that inspired Rosa Parks to fight back. If anybody got brainwashe­d, it was Herman Cain by his Parents who told him it's more noble to ride in shame than to fight for your dignity. It's no wonder Cain is speaking ill of the Wall Street protesters­. Based on how he was raised, he doesn't know better.

7) He moved to the back of the bus during the Civil Rights Movement. He hid in academia and "research" during the Vietnam War. When others were fighting and marching he did nothing. He can talk the talk but he can't walk the walk. He's in no position to question Obama's loyalty, service or commitment­s.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

About: Steve Jobs Dies: Apple Chief Created Personal Computer, iPad, iPod, iPhone

The action
Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56.
Jobs died "peacefully" surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement.
Neither Jobs' family nor Apple revealed where Jobs died or from what cause, though in recent years he had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) I bet he's is up above playing with his iPhone 5 while we only have the 4s.

2) Cancer Sucks! RIP Steve Jobs.

3) "When Jobs had his own illegitimate child, also at the age of 23, he too struggled with his responsibilities. For two years, though already wealthy, he denied paternity while Lisa's mother went on welfare. At one point Jobs even swore in a signed court document that he couldn't be Lisa's father because he was "sterile and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child." He later acknowledged paternity of Lisa, married Laurene Powell, a Stanford MBA, and fathered three more children. Lisa Brennan-Jobs, now 29, graduated from Harvard and is a writer". Really everyone!? The guy was no doubt a genius, but even a genius can be a jerk.

4) A man that lived his life to the fullest in creations and gifts. One who accomplished many things and brought the people to a new era. Gone so soon and will be missed by many! Mr. Steve Jobs, Thanks.

5) R.I.P Steve Jobs... You did a good job...

6) I worked for Apple when Steve Jobs was the president, before he got fired in 1985. A project I was working 16 hours a day on was not going well enough for Steve, who always wanted 101% from everyone. He got in the elevator with me one day, fired me on the way down, and had me escorted out of the building by two of his security goons. He was a brilliant man in many ways, but also deeply mentally disturbed and had no care for the feelings of others. I wish you well in your Buddhist after life, Steve, but you've got a lot of bad karma to work off.

7) It is amazing how everyone calls Obama a socialist when Jobs and Zuckerberg have gathered more info on everyone on Earth than has ever been gathered before within the course of 10 years. Stop being so mindless people!
Remember the 1984 apple ad? That was foreshadowing on a larger scale than any of you could think of until now.
Yes your lives are easier now because of what this great mind has done, but think about what you're giving up. Information is power. Don't give up your privacy. Be independant. Be yourself. Be free.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

About: Barbara Walters' Use Of N-Word Leads To Tense Discussion With Sherri Shepherd

The action
Barbara Walters, Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg had a tense discussion on Monday about the use of the N-word.

The conversation was centered around the controversy surrounding Rick Perry and a hunting camp he leased. The camp's entrance contained a rock with the term "Niggerhead" on it for many years. The Washington Post broke the story of the rock, and presented conflicting narratives about Perry's knowledge of what was written on it and his efforts to get rid of it.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) is it really that hard to understand that the word takes on a different context when said by a white person? hello! white people and yes i am white, are the ones who used the word to discrimina­te, dehumanize and target black people for centuries. you would think an educated journalist like barbara would be more culturally aware and sensitive.­.nope! she doesn't have to worry about what it feels like to be a minority because she's white so she assumes no one else does.

2) And black people's over use of the word in every day communicat­ion has rendered the word meaningles­s and free for everyone to use. Personally I do not like the word and no matter who says it, shows an ignorance but the fact that black people have adopted as a word of endearment pretty much negates any negative connotatio­n. More or less. Obviously if a white person calls a black person that word, it is offensive- but no less if a black person does it.

3) I don't want MY reporters to CENSOR ANYTHING, I need to know it ALL.

4) a. Yeah, it is hard to understand­, and I'm black. It makes absolutely no sense for black people to claim ownership to a word which was derived from another word which was used to denigrate black people....­.ESPECIALL­Y since black people never owned the word to begin with. If we want other people to stop using the word, then WE need to stop using the word. But don't use the word and then expect every other culture out there not to use the word. That is NONSENSICA­L.

4) b. I dunno. Why should blacks allow red-necked whites to have exclusive ownership of the word along with its racist connotatio­ns? Why would you deprive blacks of the ability to co-opt the word as their own as a means of blunting its racial impact? Its a very effective tool that has proven very effective in other contexts.

5) a. Its a double standard for one to be able to do it and not the other one. Its a double standard. If blacks don't want white people saying it then they need to stop saying it themselves­. Other wise it becomes a double standard.

5) b. I disagree.
It started out as a word.
Then it became a hateful/in­jurious word.
The group it attacked "took it back" to take off some of the sting.
The group who used to abuse it no longer have a need for it unless they want to be hurtful.
Seems pretty clear to me.

6) Oh Sherri pleazzze..­.i cant believe you railed at Barbara like that, whilst giving Whoopi a pass, for saying the very same thing...(a­s a person of color myself), i found your reaction, profoundly over-sensit­ive, and your manner, overbearin­gly moralistic­ was totally un-called for, and left me feeling even more dejected, over this unsavory episode.

7) I don't care who it is, black, white or in between, I don't want to hear the word. Racial slurs of any kind are just plain disgusting­.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

About: 700 arrested after protest on NY's Brooklyn Bridge

The action
NEW YORK (AP) — Protesters speaking out against corporate greed and other grievances were maintaining a presence in Manhattan's Financial District even after more than 700 of them were arrested during a march on the Brooklyn Bridge in a tense confrontation with police.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) To everybody out there blaming Obama, Bush or any other singular government official as the cause for America's prosperity getting flushed down the toilet. You're missing the big picture. The situation is simple: The near entirety of the US government is corrupt and run by political Bribe-takers bought and paid for by people who have amassed the most wealth overall in this country (Top 1% of the US Population). These politicians, now solely representing their funders and not the voters turn around and pass legislation that gives the Super Rich here every advantage possible, including free money (Quantitative Easing/Bailouts), lower taxes and zero accountability for their actions. In order to prevent revolts from the increased burden to the unrepresented in this country, the Super Rich have set up a bogus political party to siphon off and redirect the anger of the masses (The Republicans) and an ineffectual party (The Democrats) to cave to “republican pressure” while pretending to care about the masses. In addition, they have co-opted and bought out nearly all of the mainstream media in order to filter out any info that would lay the blame on the true culprit, instead leaving the majority of America divided and focusing their energies on decoy scapegoats and partisan nonsense. The super rich and those they pay for care not one bit about jobs or the welfare of the country they grew from. They merely care about having as many digits as possible for their bank statement balance. And if that means the middle/working class will eventually need to vanish, then so be it. The entire system is broken.

P.S. Please feel free to repost this message elsewhere if you agree. Part of the way to help turn the tide of this problem is by raising awareness to the reality of the situation. Thx -c

2) It's only going to get worse this is far from over, as it spreads to city to city then to our nations capitol. Like in the 70's Semi trucks cut off most of the road ways into DC and moved at one or two miles per hour. As the weather turns cold more people will get even more angry and upset. I think its time the politicans start to listen to the people before it gets way out of hand. And they start in on those out running for office. This is how it all started and kept on growing across the country in the 60's... Remember what happen at Kent State and down south?

3) We need to stop putting millionaires and lawyers in office.Someone who isn't elected by special interest money.We need someone who is patriotic and is concerned about the average American.

4) “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.”
-- John Adams

5) Why not boycott the big banks, especially Bank of America and Citigroup - people should put their savings (meager as they may be) into local credit unions or small town banks. In addition, people should try to buy more things with cash to deny banks the fees they get from debit cards, credit cards, etc.
Demand that the Justice Department prosecutes Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and other bankster/corporate criminals.

6) I closed my BofA account and opened one at a locally owned credit union.

7) WORDS FROM MT. RUSHMORE: “I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our government in a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” ~ Thomas Jefferson... I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.” ~ Abraham Lincoln... “I again recommend a law prohibiting all corporations from contributing to the campaign expenses of any party. Let individuals contribute as they desire; but let us prohibit in effective fashion all corporations from making contributions for any political purpose, directly or indirectly.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt... “The fortunes amassed through corporate organization are now so large, and vest such power in those that wield them, as to make it a matter of necessity to give to the sovereign – that is, to the Government, which represents the people as a whole – some effective power of supervision over their corporate use. In order to insure a healthy social and industrial life, every big corporation should be held responsible by, and be accountable to, some sovereign strong enough to control its conduct.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt...“

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

About: House GOP Unveils Plan To Cut NPR, Job Training And Education Programs

The action
WASHINGTON -- Setting a collision course with Democrats that could drag out for months, House Republicans on Thursday unveiled plans to cut federal money for job training, heating subsidies and grants to better-performing schools.

The draft measure for labor, health and education programs also seeks to block implementation of President Barack Obama's signature health care law, cut off federal funds for National Public Radio and Planned Parenthood, and reduce eligibility for grants for low-income college students.

The reaction
People are saying:

1) George Carlin was so prophetic. Republican­s don't want an educated electorate­. They want us just smart enough to do the grunt work they need but not smart enough to recognize how we are being conned by the diversiona­ry issues of immigrants­, abortion, gays, guns, etc.

2) Education is an INVESTMENT not an EXPENSE. When you look at China then compare that to us, we will soon be left in the dust. Small minded people with no vision for the future. If we don't VOTE them out we are doomed!

3) The Republican­s are trying to kill us all. Freeze us out in the winter, taking all our money in taxes while their corporate buddies skate on taxes, killing jobs left and right. Soon only the wealthy will exist and if you're not one of them too bad. It sucks! We need a revolution­. The poor outnumber the rich and we need to take our country back from them. Tax breaks for small business; hikes for big business.

4) Democrats need to learn the Republican negotiatin­g strategy, which is to submit initial legislatio­n with all the most extreme things you can think of, stand your ground stubbornly and then "compromis­e" by removing the most obvious doomsday provision at the very end.

Let's hope Dems have learned their lesson and are willing to go toe to toe.

5) we are all hamsters on neocon "financial­ly engineered­" and "financial­ly innovated" wheels


cheney and haliburton laughed all the way to the bank!

ZERO Investigat­ions. ZERO Prosecutio­ns.

"One Iraqi entreprene­ur indicated to NPR last year that there's a thriving black market in U.S. items. "The Americans turn over every base to the Iraqi army and police -- and they are all thieves,""

"I'm thinking about the size of what was wasted there, and thinking about how what we spent in Iraq was all borrowed," she said. "In a crazy way, what we left in Iraq was our good credit rating."

The War On Waste
January 29, 2002

"On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war. Not on foreign terrorists­, "the adversary'­s closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucrac­y," he said.

Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11-- the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten.

Just last week President Bush announced, "my 2003 budget calls for more than $48 billion in new defense spending."

More money for the Pentagon, CBS News Correspond­ent Vince Gonzales reports, while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactio­ns," Rumsfeld admitted.


6) Can't people see the Republican­s are cutting jobs and then they ask where are the jobs? Consumer spending is 70% of our GDP, only cutting spending will never balance the budget.

7) These proposed Educationa­l Cuts have serious consequenc­es:
We already have significan­t problems in Education Achievemen­t in the US.

" These educationa­l gaps inpose on the US the economic equivalent of a PERMANENT ECONOMIC RECESSION.­'
from the Economic impact of the Achievemen­t gap in America's Schools.